Making Lemonade

My sister and I have the daunting job of clearing out my dad's apartment.  And he has a lot of stuff!  In the middle of the night, it hit me what to do after we had spent all day putting clothing in boxes.  We should have a Free Sale in Peep's room.  So this morning I took all the light bulbs I could carry to the ladies in the dining room.  I told then I had this great idea!  So after lunch or before lunch whichever, to come visit me at the sale.  Did they ever!  Then at lunch I emptied out the refrigerator and freezer.  They kept coming all afternoon.  My aunt Dory was here and she was my assistant.  We helped our coustomes with making choices, we delivered,  and we even did a little Johanna Gaines DIY decorating.  I had a blast!  Then we met my cousin and her mom for dinner at Jewel City Seafood, one of my dad's favorite places and went back to sell a little more.  Here are the shoppers and their purchases.

Juanita was the first customer.  She got the ball rolling.

And Ms. Sassy pants found a few things.  What she really wanted was the shirt I had on that was my dad's.  She literally tried to take it off my body.

Bonnie picked out a few things before she had to run out for an appointment.

Kathleen's caregiver for a treasure.

then Shirley shopped until she filled the shopping cart and her rollator seat.

Kathleen is making sure it's a good fit.

Bea was able to find a few things.  Crack me up!

Barbara didn't do too bad.  There is a funny story about the frame that she got.  I believe that she plans to leave our family picture in it as it hangs on her wall.  I think she will miss us when we are gone.  But I promised I would be back to visit.

Look who found something else.

All smiles after dinner.

And the shopping continues. (sorry about the toilet in the background...but this is real life people.

Clare was able to find a few things.  Bless her heart.

Flossing found a new sewing table.

Then the shirt stealer returned for a few more things.  Lovely wreath you are wearing Francis.

Making deliveries upstairs.

She is back for more.

We all fit on the elevator.  And it didn't get stuck.

This was such a surprise.  
As we were probably a little too loud, going down the hall Clare very lowly opened her door and stuck her head out.  We both about wet ourselves!  To me, this was so not Clare.  Usually, she is very quiet and reserved...I would never dream that she would do something like this.  Maybe I have just seen the other side of her.  And I love it.

The sale was fun and we had great fun.  I think it was therapy for all of us.  Because you know that we all are family now. I am truly going to miss being here on the weekends.  I wonder how many of them are on Facebook or will text?


B J Rutledge said…
Yes I will miss your visits - Hope you don't get too much snow.
Barbara Rutledge sometimes known as "B"

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