Just Having Some Fun

Happiest little bundle of squeezable lovin' on the planet!

Today, Wammy's beauty shop.

She wanted her hair like Rori's.

Singing to Jase.

Thia is what happens when you give her markers and walk away to change a diaper.

Someone (Madi) confiscated my phone and I found lots of unfamiliar pics on it.  But this one was a keeper.

Singing to her baby brother during a diaper change.

And he loved it!

First bite of squash...

Second, bite and he was good to go.

a little snow shower

Tuckered out and napping in Pappy's chair.

Piggie Tails

I asked them to fix Jace a bed on the floor.  I wanted to lay in it.  It looked way better than my bed does.

This girl has become the selfie queen!

Told ya.

Rori being the teacher and all her students are engaged.

Cooper in the zone.

He's almost got it figured out!

Jase helping with my PT.

Then today was Beauty Shop Day.

We figured out how to make a cape.

Peas were so yummy, Jase wanted to spoon his own.


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