He's Such A Trickster

That's what the yahoos call Pappy.  A trickster.  I will have to agree with that for sure, 110%!  One day this week, I think it was Wednesday, we dropped Michael off after doing something and Mark told me we were going on a field trip.  I had an appointment to get my hair cut finally at 4:30 with Betsy.  It was around 1pm.  I am calculating in my head.  I know how long some of his field trips last and I was a little concerned about getting back in time for the haircut.  He proceeded to go on about getting gas, how long it was going to take, he had looked up directions because he had never been to this place before, that we needed to get snacks....on and on as he was driving.  I looked up from my phone to see our destination...

Our new library that is not even 5 minutes from the house.

It is beautiful and so roomy compared to the old library.  And they have a snack bar!

These are the coolest chairs.  I had to fight to get one.  And they twirl.

The children's section.

I call this the bird's nest.

He was checking out all the hiking books.  Getting ready for the season when it finally dries up.

I just love a good smelling Amish book.  I had to get one in Large Print.

I'm bringing my water bottle next time.

3-D printer

And here we are at the end of the field trip.  I can't tell you how many pics we had to take to get one that I could use.  I am horrible with selfies.  Having a bad wing doesn't help.


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