Happy Pappy Turns 66

So Pappy made one more trip around the sun!  And we are thankful for that because we don't know what we would do without him.  Sometimes we don't know what to do with him!

sunday night we took him to one of our favorite places...Stone Bowl.

Nothing like a good hot stone bowl...literally...the rice is crunchy on the bottom...and so good.

Michael tried something new.

And Emmy with her green tea and a great smelling dish that I can't remember the name of.

Then tonight since we couldn't get everyone together on Sunday night...we took Sarah out for dinner.  I think we are just going to have birthday week this year.  Well, I guess if anyone deserves a birthday week, Pappy does!

Cooper and Laney (and Marji and Mike) sent some oatmeal raisin cookies...Pappy's favorites.


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