Chickens, Nummy Beads, and Bubbles

Sometimes we have to distract Louie with the chickens when his Mom leaves.  But today he just wanted to feed them.  Louie is definitely not a talker but I heard him say as plain as day...chicken.  Once his Mom came we tried to get him to say it again.  You guessed it,  No luck.

These are new to me.  Teething beads/necklace.  So you put them in the fridge to get the really cold because really cold is good when you are trying to cut your first tooth.  Or any teeth for that matter.  Mommy's can wear them so while holding the teether they can bite on it.  You can let the teether hold them by themselves.  But NEVER put the necklace on the teether.

They actually look like pearls but they are soft.


Madi had so much fun blowing bubbles the day before that she wanted Ellie and Louie to have a chance to do it also.

I'm guessing that she liked it!

Louie liked touching them and playing with them.

Louie wanted to do it too but I learned my lesson the day before.  He got a cup with some good old water.

After all that hard work it was time to sit with Stitch and watch a little TV before naptime.  


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