20 Miles Hike In The Books

They earned the Hiking Merit Badge!  70 total miles!

Mark got this message from Mr. Alston around 4PM last night...

'Hey Mark, Mile 14.  Slow going.  Possible we will hit 20 before we're back at the truck.  Might need a pickup if you are willing. Won't know for sure for a few more hours.  Michael is really troopering his way through.'

I asked Michael to take some pics.  He promised he would.  This is what I got...one shot.  Guess it is better than nothing.  I'm guessing he was so focused and they probably didn't stop to smell many roses.

Mr. Alston sent these pictures during the day.

This shot looks awfully familiar.  I'm thinking that this is where I broke my humerus.  The water is a lot higher but I cringed when I say the picture.

From what I understand, they were forced to walk on the road because the trail was flooded out.  I can't wait to hear the stories.

So proud of these guys!  First scouts to accomplish and earn the Hiking Merit Badge in Troop 468!

Michael's Hike review:
We went hiking twenty miles one the third of March, a Saturday. That day was rather clear, but the water table was high, so high, in fact, we couldn't hike entire sections of the trail, taking detour after detour and getting lost in Williamsburg at one point. It was long and strenuous, climbing hill after hill with small breaks every five miles or so. If there was anything to be learned that day, it would be to always plan for the weather.


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