High Water and Heading Home

This was taken in the dark at about 5:30AM.  The night before was the first night in maybe 100 days that he slept straight through the night! AMAZING...but I was up all night listening to him.  Stitch never leaves his side.  So much so that one night she backed into the cord for his CPAP and unplugged it.  A little scary.  Then she got tangled in the tubing that goes from the machine to my dad's mask.  She is now restricted to the living room with me at night.  She isn't too happy about that but it is the best I can do.

We made it down for breakfast.  First time in a long time.  We even got to use his new portable concentrator (portable oxygen).  It is a little challenging because you always need to remind him to take really deep breaths and close his mouth.  It's tough to teach this old dog new tricks.  We were all excited to be together again.

These next shots from the river were taken by my Wyngate friend, Virginia.  She went out for a walk to check out the river to see how high the water was.

If you look back to the shots that I took the day before you will see the difference.

On the drive home, I tried to get a few shots.  This is right down the road from my dad's.

 This is the backwater.  The river is behind the treeline.

Rt 7 looking across the Ohio River to Huntington.

So my question to whoever...I watch all kinds of things flowing down the river to the locks.  Once it is there what happens to it?  Here are the locks.  The water is about 4-5 feet from taking it totally under.

 See all the dark stuff in the river right after the locks...that's all the stuff that has come down the river.  So it looks like the just open the gates and let it all through.  Then where does it go?  Inquiring minds want to know.

And my traveling buddy...not too sure about having the top open and the windows down.  Too much noise for her.

First time ever for me.  I had to take a different route home because my favorite part of the drive, Portsmouth Road, had high unpassage water in several areas.  So it took me a little longer to get home and it was way more boring!  Sorry, all you that travel to Cincinnati via AA Highway.


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