CFL Grand Opening in Milford

I wanted to do this for such a long time.  If someone could have just talked to me a few more minutes I would have done it.  And then around 3AM I would have been packing it in.  Not so sure that cold weather and an injured wing would have been too smart.  So I have lived it with the Anderson's in pictures.  They were so good to keep me in the loop.

Betsy said they flag ceremony was very moving.

She also said that it was the most windy camp out she had ever been on.  She has a video that you can hear the wind howling and whipping through the tents.

Somehow I think I would not call this camping but instead glamping.

Tacie, always smiling.  And winner of a new CFL hat.

So they had a little contest.  Betsy called ma and asked if I had any books I could donate to a schools library.  Yea, I had some.  One had to have the books there by 7PM.

I loaded up two bags of books and headed over.  Here are their tents.

Her badge said that she was the fifth person in line to register.  All in all I think there were 103 poele but only the first 100 were considered for the prize!

Taci and her friend stood watch over the car while Betsy and I dropped off the books.

We dropped off the books.   this lady was the official book counter.  We donated 63 books.  The winner donater 91 books!

I think this is early on Thurs morning before the sun came up.  The did it.  The survived another Grand Opening.

Remember the library books...we came in second!  this was the prize.  Betsy also brought me a chocolate chip cookie and CFL pen and pencil.  And as an extra bonus...the cobalt blue round vase!  She's the best!


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