Bubbles, Chalk, and The Driveway

We ran out of bubbles for the driveway so bubbles in the kitchen will have to work for today or until I can get a huge bottle of bubble juice at the Dollar Store.

Madi did great.  Adi, well let'sj sut say that she may have gotten a mouth full of bubble juice...yuck...but we washed it down with lots of milk.

I had to cut her straw in half because she kept spilling her cup.

Madi had it down.

I think by the smiles that I saw, I did okay.

Wammy, take a picture and send it to my mom.

She had a great time blowing the bubbles but toughing them was entirely another thing.

 The littlest munchkin is trying to cut his first tooth.  He was miserable today so we tried going outside to play.  The girls always like a good chalk drawing.  Madi worked on her People of Wammyville drawing.

Not so happy.

She might be getting a little too big for the car.

Pretty soon she'll outgrow it too.

So here is the finished masterpiece.  Pappy is the longest person on the left.  The little white blob is Jase and the other tall person is me.  under me you will see Rori, Madi and Adi.  The long thing with spots in the middle is Stitch and fat Ella is on the bottom.  I love it I think it is great.

Poor little guy.  We tried everything..walked about five miles inside, went out to the driveway, looked at the chickens...

Sat on the front porch swing, took a stroll around the backyard,

Finally at 2pm I broke down and gave him for Tylenol.

I sat int he chair, listened to some new music on my phone and held him while he slept.  I didn't want to get up a ruin it.  It's a tought job but someone has to do it.


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