Been A Rough Two Days and Night
The day they moved him from IMCU threw him for a loop. Dustin was there that evening and it wasn't pretty. Then last nightMolly got it both barrels. Seems the new heart meds have messed him up. Can't remember where he is or why he is there. Everything is wrong. They can't answer his calls fast enough. His meds don't come at the time he thinks they should....
Betty was having trouble finding something that he just couldn't live without. She had Wyngate Robin call me to see if I knew where it was. And she has lost her two umbrellas (Dustin, can you please look in his car to see if they are there?)
So he is in a new room (3175) closer to the nurses station so they can keep a closer eye on him. They aren't fooling me. It is so they don't have to walk as far to his room every five minutes when he punches his little red button for something. I am so thankful for nurses. I tell them that everything he gets in one of these moods. I don't know how they do it, seriously. I can walk out in the hall or go to the cafeteria to regroup. They can't. They have to go on to the next patient. God bless them!
And here is what I am thinking...if you want to send a card, just send it to St Mary's and they will find him.