The Season Is Here

We usually get out Christmas tree on Micahel's birthday.  But this year with my arm pretty much out of commission we had to wait a few days.  The last few years we have cut our own tree.  This year we headed for Home Depot because we had a gift card.  Ha!  They had about 20 trees that were no taller than Michael and they were close to $50.  No way!  So we went to Kroger.  We found a tall, skinny tree for $29.95  It is not the best-shaped tree we have ever had but it will look nice.

Cutting off the end of the trunk so it can soak up water better.

The worst job of all...making sure she is straight and then tightening all those darn screws.

Just a little trim.

Well, maybe a little more needs to come off.

Michael's star that he picked out at WalMart in WI when he was three years old.

I made the executive decision this year to have a minimalist tree.  Lights, tin ice cycles, my grandmothers tatted snowflakes and everyone can choose some of their favorite ornaments.

Not bad for a really ugly naked tree.


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