A Little Ellis and Alaire TLC

It could not have been planned better.  Cassie and Trevor want4d us to watch the kids while they celebrated their anniversary by going to a Broncos game.  Of course, they can come.  Are you kidding...you needed to ask.

I needed a little help with a pre-PT soak in the hot tub to loosen everything up.  Of course they would help!

so I wouldn't have to cook, they took me to one of their favorite places.

Boomerang got to visit with Sneek and Noel for a few days too.

Alaire is now known as the Baby-Whisperer.

And Ellis makes a great farm hand.  He's looking pretty stylish in my chicken hat.

The girls thought it was the greatest thing having new blood in Wammyville.

They even had crafts ready for the girls to do.

Madi the yahoo and Maddie the dog napping together.  Both of them were thrilled to death to be able to be on the couch together.

Ellis loves to cook.  So he and Rori made some awesome twice iced peppermint brownies.  lire was a little busy.

I sent two dozen home with them.  Wonder how long they lasted?

When Cooker and Delaney got off the bus, Cooper has Christmas Storytime with all the yahoos.

We played one of Ellis' new games...you never believe it when I tell you that I was the winner.

Alaire must have needed to go to the bathroom or something because Ellis got a little baby time.

 Their last night here we made a trip to Coney to see the lights.  I think it might become a tradition!  Just the hour waiting in the car was worth the admission!  We could not have two grandkids so much like Cassie and Emmy.  I could not stop laughing at them.  Next time I'm thinking a pizza or snacks would be fun in the car.  It wasn't only fun being with them but the lights were beyond awesome!

Sorry to see them go but we will be toghetehr again in about a week for Christms!


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