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There might be a pic that you want to skip over. This years birthday will be one that I won't forget for a long time. It was filled with so many touching moments...well wish on FB, singing and dancing birthday wishes on my phone, love from my little ones, the traditional awesomely awful original happy birthday song from my dad, getting three eggs instead of the one because everyone seems to have decided to molt at the same time this year, and then the surgeon telling me no surgery!
Thank you, everyone! 63 isn't so bad after all!
The bruising and swelling are getting better. Some pain is still rearing it's ugly head. And I think we have finally found the pain med for itching or other side effects. and I can now do some things on my own. Emmy swears we are trying to make her move out. Mark is keeping Wammyville running on a daily basis and he is our designated driver for the next 5 weeks. Michael is holding down the farm and making sure I know what is going on.