Meatloaf In The Dutch
We are camping with the scouts this weekend and they are making meatloaf in the Dutch for dinner on Saturday night. I had Michael make it at home just to make sure it would be okay and that there would be enough.
He cooks like Emmy...all over the kitchen!
He insisted on doing it all. You can not even imagine how hard it was to not help. Oh, I helped but it was only in words...sometimes a little bit heated words because Mr. Michael seems to think he knows all there is to know about meatloaf. He has made this recipe once before so he thinks he is Rachael Ray and just throws things in.
Last time he made it the breadcrumbs on the bottom were a little brown. Well, duh, you have to mix meatloaf by hand. and form it into a loaf not a huge pancake on the bottom of the Dutch. can never, ever have enough.
He had to have a little help with the coals.
15 on top and 9 underneath for 45-60 minutes,
He had to go to TKD so we were put in charge of the timer. At 45 minutes I used the meat thermometer and checked the temp. Looked done, smelled wonderful.
And dinner was served!
I'm am almost sure that he will tweak it even little more on Saturday night