Another Adventure With The Anderson's

Started out bright and early going to pick up Betsy to take her to Dewey's 'Get Me New Dentures' appointment.  It is just a tough thing all around.  But we always try to make the best of things and have a good time...we laugh alot and we do lots of hugging and kissing.

One of my jobs of the days was to keep Dewey busy while Betsy did paperwork and filled the staff in on the 'situation.'  Dewey loves to have his picture takes (almost as much as kissing) and he is always amazed that he can see it on my phone.

Here he is on the bus before.

And here he is all smiles after!

He has not been eating like he should so we thought a good peanut butter malt would taste good.  He ate almost all of it.  Yea!  Score one for our team.  And one of the resident's husband shared a banana Twinkie with him.  He loved it!

Just another silly selfie.

A real silly dark dancin' on your bum video.

Dewey loves to play cards...UNO...he is king!

My favorite shot of the day.


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