Suns Out

There's a story.  Ellis and I went to the end of the island on our morning walk to try to see the sunrise.  On the way down he found one show...jsut happened to be his size.  'Wammy I wonder where the other one is?  Wammy, wonder who lost it. Wammy, ......  I have no idea, Ellis . Maybe we will be lucky and find the other one.'  We drop our rock off in the mailbox and head back.  All of a sudden he tears off toward the dunes.  Sure enough, there's the other show.  And  'Wammy, they are my size!'  The cute little red lobster was an added bonus.

Hillbilly Gold tournament which Trevor won.

Played on the sandbar.

Ellis tried forever to catch minnows in the tide pool.

We watch the dredger do its work.

And Pappy got horn-swaggled into going to Sunset Slush.  Alaire has been holding on to that cup since her last visit.

And we might have dropped a few rocks in the area.

Looking like vaca to me.

On a little table, under the bridge, lays a cute little painted rock.

I might look in the planter island for another one.  This is the one that I found in the Golden Holden Memory mailbox.

If you like your slushie and enjoyed your visit you get to ring the bell.  Of course, they rang it!  Twice, or maybe three times.

Then it was back to the fun in the sun portion..becausee it wasn't raining and the sun was out.  It felt so good!

The sand creature lives!

Micahel up against the waves again.

Action shot!

We get to eat out twice while on vacation.  One night is the first night and it is tradition to go to Patornies for pizza the first theing when we get to the beach...even before we get our keys to the beachhouse.  The next night is about midweek.  This year we drove to Southport to have a good seafood dinner at The Frying Pan!

The 45 minute wait was well worth the view.

Ellis tried one of Pappy's fried oysters.  Not a fan.

And Michael had crab cakes.  They were yummy.  The most surprising taste was the sweet potato biscuits.  DELICIOUS


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