Day Four...AT 14 State Challenge Adventure

It's time for French Toast a la Alaire.


And them maybe a few scrambled eggs.  Gotta bulk up for the day.

Elk?  Yes, they have been introduced back into the mountains.  WE were on the lookout for them.  None for us to be seen.  Felt like we were in Estes Park, CO.

Not happy campers.  Pappy always visits and talks to the Rangers.

We, meaning Ellis, Alaire and me) went on a little farm adventure.  But first a little dip in the creek.

Not going to say who but someone got a little more than their toes wet.

I could live here.  They already had a quilting frame set up for me.

I think I will name her Socks.

Back on the road.

One foot in NC and one foot in TN (Pappy's phone told us)

Up the mountain we go....a little slower than yesterday.  Forward ever, backward never.

If it is there they must climb.  But then we told them the rules of the trail

We met this family.  So nice.  He is a hiker.  This is his mom.  Last night was her first experience backpacking and sleeping on the AT.  She earned her trail name. Pow Wow.  He works for the National Park.  She asked me who your pronounced Appalachian Trail.  I gave her a lesson..with a short a sound not a long a.

Lots of ups...

and plenty of downs.

Oops looks like someone forgot Rule #10.

From here we headed to Clingmans Dome.

A storm rolls in.  We were standing in the clouds.  We were standing 6,643 feet elevation.  Making it the highest point in the Smokies.  And the highest point on the AT.

It is a crazy concrete structure.

Above the tree tops.

I kept watching the storm.  I made it to the top for a few very quick shots and back down again for pictures.

If you look between our heads and on the railing of the Dome you will see Mark and Elis.

And we got caught in the storm.  We made it down a lot faster than we did going up.  That was so seriously cold rain and rain clouds.

Cosby Campground in TN

The trail was about 5 car lengths from out tent.

 We were busy little bees in the rock hiding department before we left for the day.  I checked quickly and found these two posts on Milford Rocks. And this happy camper has already been hidden again and a little twist to the games has been added.  Check Milford Rocks on FaceBook to see.


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