Day Five...AT 14 State Challenge Adventure

We needed to run out and get more bug spray and another bag of ice.  On the way, we ran into this guy crossing the road

He sure has some good hiding places.

Another hike in her future.

 Lots of creeks to hike through on this trail.

But this was by far the coolest one.  WE could have stayed her for a very long time.

Of course, we stopped to get our feet wet.

And build some cairns.

Coolest spot for one in the whole creek.

 Now, this would be a piece of property I could build a little farm around.

They built all over the place.  I think the grand total was five.

This may have been the one and only time he lost his footing.

 Oh, I so wanted to take this home with me.

Another bridge.  No children were hurt of injured seriously while taking this shot.

Waiting for Pappy.

This was a fun crossing.

Snack break on the log.

picking blackberries

And we turned around before finding the waterfall because it would have been after dark when we made the return trip and I was the only one with a headlamp.

They were so disappointed to find that someone had knocked down mist of their cairns.

The rebuild is on.

This was the biggest 'fairy house' I 've ever seen.


And you know what is next...

The peaches were so good and juicy...just like he had dreamed.

Biking before, during, and after the rain.

And yes there were bears.  Two active in the campground but we never saw one.  Ellis was so upset about that.

He lost a tooth.

Blowing bubbles in the rain.

We are hoping someone will find this guy and post a pic on FaceBook.  The worm looked like a cairn.


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