A Slow Day In Paradise

We got to sleep in...well, some of us, sorta.  Ellis was worn out last night so he slept in.  I didn't have the heart to wake him up.  So we missed sunrise but that's okay because just a little while after he woke up I saw this...

Ellis and Alaire were busy in the tide pool catching hermit crabs while I sat in the chair and read/watched them.

Someone came up with the idea to have a hermit crab race.  So we did.

Alaire helping her crab across the finish line.  Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!

Pappy doing what he loves to do...talk to people and find out all about them.

Cassie went with us to Turtle TAlk tonight!.  We also ROCKED the Town Hall.

So tonight was our trip to Turtle Talk.  Ellis and Alaire usually go with me but this time CAssie gave in and came.  I actually think she likes it.  Then we headed to one of the nests that 'boiled' this morning around 4AM.  They are thinking there are stills some eggs/turtles that haven't hatched yet.

So off we went to the west end of the island.  

It was worse than watching grass grow.  But we did get to spend some time with some really interesting people.

The guy in the red shirt is the head guy of the Turtle Patrol.  That's another volunteer getting into her backpack.  And the other lady was the one that gave the talk tonight.

Still no more movement.  But they invited us back on Friday night to watch them clean up the nest.  They will open it up and check to see if there are any more eggs or any turtles that just haven't made it out yet.

Some exciting new on our end of the island...they collared one of our nests today.  That means that they know the eggs have been in the nest for 50 days.  Pretty soon they will come.  I'm thinking if what I saw tonight happens to this nest, Ellis and me for sure will be spending the night at the nest.

Maybe just maybe, I will get to make another thing off my Bucket List.


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