Whitetail Trace and The Mashburn Family Discovery Trail

This is Michael's favorite trail.  He couldn't make it out of bed this morning...must have been up late last night.  Oh, I am positive we will do it again.

It takes a bit to get to the trailhead.

We weren't going to stop and smell many roses today.  Well, at least that was my plan.

On the trail around 8:30.  Nice a chilly ut we worked up a sweat pretty soon.

And look what we say compliments of the couple and their dogs that were in front of us.

Just about that time!

Now, who could have tasted that?

Changing already?

This bullfrog looks like he has a jacket on.

Skunk tracks

Biggest turtle in Matt's Pond I am sure!

Mark chillin' on the porch.

Every single time we go to the CNC we always say that we could live in this log cabin.  Dreaming of that day.


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