Walker Brother Ice Cream

One of the Scout mom's sent me an invite to attend the Walker Brothers Icecream Fundraiser for The Downs Syndrome Associations.  Well, yes of course...ice cream and anything for my friends when it comes to kids.

Never been there so we had to get out GPS.
9425 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH

Do you see the people dressed in long sleeves....it was freezing cold!  But that didn't stop anyone from getting ice cream,

Yummo!  Wish my dad cold have been there...strawberry is his all time favorite.

Now, this is just any normal ice cream joint.  Check out the names of the selections...I had a Funky Chunky Monkey and Mark had a chocolate shake.  Both were delicious.

Last year the fundraiser raised over $900.  Haven't seen the figures for this year.


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