The Nature Center Gets Rocked Again!

Last day of Wammyville for the school year was spent painting and hiding rocks at the Cincinnati Nature Center!  This might be a big hint.

An even bigger one.

My dream house...seriously!

Love all the life in the ponds this time of year.  Biggest Bullfrog I have seen to date.

Frogs and turtles

This guy still has most of his tail.

And this guy has a nub of a tail.

Turtles in the tree.

Some monkeys too.

Another pretty good hint if you want to find a painted rock.

Funniest thing and I smiled a lot.  We were going into the Nature Center building and Marli found a rock that we had hidden two weeks ago.  It was the first painted rock I have ever found.  And it was one of mine.  Crazy.

We must have hidden twenty rocks.  The girls were so excited.  And Marli wanted so to see someone find one of the rocks she had hidden.  But we headed over to the lake to feed the fish and turtles.

The big snapper, we call Luke was waiting for us.

I wish I could tell you just how big he is.  We heard that there are three of them living in the pond that they know of.

As we were leaving the boardwalk a family found one of Marli's hidden rocks.  WE could hear one of the mom's reading the paper.  We went down the path to the back of the main building and another little boy in their group was soo soo excited to find another rock.

Another successful rock hide for Milford Rocks.

After lunch, we hit the car wash.

Looks like it might be naptime.


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