Red Rock Canyon

We had a few days to explore the outskirts of Vegas, so why not rent a car and head to Red Rock Canyon.  Just as we were about to hit the highway through the desert the transmission in our rental car died.  Mark had a little go-round with the company.  I don't think they have heard the end of it yet.

We ended up in a truck.  Which in the long run I think was probably better than the car.

High up so everyone could see, lots of leg room, good AC.  I think we lucked out on this one.

And there they are those beautiful red rocks.

Took a short hike to the rocks.  The temp was only around 114 degrees!

Bless her heart.  Lisa took one for the team.  She is not a sweater.

If you want you can see where all we found to eat during our stay in Vegas.  I tried to blog about each of them on the Eating Our Way Through OH blog.  Just click on it and you will be magically transported to some of the best and worst places we dined in Vegas.


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