Peaches Are Here

Last week some of the ladies from church went and stood in line to get peaches.  Somehow through conversation, we got a truck at Eastside!  Today was our day!  Mark and I went to help with the know crowd control that turns into chaos.

I only heard about this on Facebook a few days ago on the Eastside Page.

Mark going in to see what we could do...really he was on his way t yank a few chains.

They started lining up about an hour before opening time.

And there they are...and pecans too.

And they waited.  I passed out a church and  VBS invite, cold water, and a few smiles and laughter along the way.

Now I'd say that this isn't her first rodeo.

There were shopping carts and 'servants' there to help get the peach boxes to cars.

Chris presented Mark with a gold star for being such a helpful servant...he (Mark) shoved everyone else's carts out of the way so he could help more people.  It is always a competition with him.

Love the boxes!  Peach cobbler here we come!


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