Our Official Second Night

Tonight we gathered at church to paint rocks!  I know...you are all rolling your eyes and thinking...'why do they paint rocks?'  This is the reason why...

It made me smile. Many times.
I found this while walking with my dog, Willa at Rowe Woods yesterday.
I'm currently going through chemotherapy and was quickly running out of steam. I came to where two trails intersect and noticed something in a ziploc bag on top of one of the trail markers.
A nice couple with a little girl appeared and the lady told me that the kids were painting the rocks for the finder to keep and she suggested that I read the note with it.
Even without my reading glasses, I could read it fine. I offered it to the little girl but she obviously didn't want it and the lady said the little girl had plenty of them at home. I later wondered if the little girl had placed that rock there herself.
Not only did it brighten my day, it gave me the encouragement to continue walking for 90 minutes.
This act of kindness would mean something to me at any time, but with my current situation, it means even more to find something so wonderful.
What a lovely idea and gesture.
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Kelli Ellison I know that little girl and lady...They love making others smile! Thanks for sharing your story, so I can share it with the little girl! Little things can make big difference!

I know the little girl in this story.  She was with me and we hid the rock.  Nicest lady and we had no idea of her situation until I read this on Facebook. So see you just never know what a silly little painted rock might mean to someone.

So tonight we put tablecloths on tables, lined up our paints, chit-chatted, and had a few snacks. 

We decided to more our tables inside the back of the sanctuary because there is a glare in entrance.  And it was very helpful because we didn't have to haul the tables and chairs very far.

We have painters...all ages and abilities.  But our bond is that we all want to make people smile.

You need pant...we got it1

Eat, Paint, Smile

We learn by trial and error.  We have learned that Pinterest is our best friend.  Just check out our Rock boards.

And it is easier if you first draw in pencil.

Our favorite...someone is always painting a Fiona rock.

Practice makes perfect.

Some of us leave a little paper with our rocks to let the picker-uppers know what to do next.

Some of the rocks drying after being sprayed with a sealer.

We love rocks!


Jan said…
Jan, this is so cool!

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