Coolish Morning At the Nature Center

First things first...I parked Alaire's 50-pound penguin in a rock at the front of the parking lot.  I just didn't think I could carry it back on the trail. (when I went to get in the car it was gone.  It will be interesting to see where she ends up)

I wish I knew the story behind this.  We thought it might be a very old flag pole.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the boys (two legged ones) went with me today.  We hit the trail around 8;30AM.

We chose The Upland Trail which is 1.34 miles.  It takes you by some very interesting places...and not to mention it is beautiful.

I am thinking this winter when I decide what to put in the garden I may make the smallest clay pot markers I can find.

I found a painted rock!  In The Herb Wall!  I was so excited!

There were several plants we had no clue what they were.  I am going to get out my huge plant book later on this evening and try to figure out what we saw.  Wish me luck.  Or I might just send pics to the Nature Center and ask them to identify them.  I miss my main guy, Lester.

Love these bridges.

I know that I should know the name of this plant.  Papaw gave me one and it has volunteered to grow all over the yard.

Getting a good start on my stairs today.

May Apple

A dead tree shedding it's bark.

Cassie has a picture taken by Emily Piraino in the exact place with Alaire.

The swimming pool.

Lots of duckweed on the pond.

A box the Nature Center left on the trail with an observation book in it.

We have something that looks like this in our yard.

speed bump?

We have NO clue.

The cabin on Matt's Pond from the back of the field.

Soon to be blackberries

snapdragons AKA jewelweed...going for poison ivy

great-horned owl

First for all my years of hiking never have I seen a skunk on the trail!  This little baby stayed under the underbrush.

 But Michael found the momma.  She was just walking around like nobodies business.  Once we finished the hike I turned around and retraced my steps.  They were still there just digging away like no one was watching.  I watched for a minute from a safe distance and then decided to move along.  That was fun to see.

Nice woodpecker holes all over this dead tree.

Looks like a brain to me.

Love this walkway.

The painted rock that I found at the beginning of our hike was re hidden in The  Herb Wall.  Can you see it?

And jsut as I was walking out I found another rock!  A four-leafed clover to bring me luck.

Can you see it here in it's new home?

It was a great day for a hike!  Looking forward to tomorrow.  And I will keep my eyes peeled for more skunks and rocks!


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