A Little Look See

 Dr. M, Jr went in for a little look-see...Cystoscopy Retrograde Pyelogram Bilateral.  We had to be registered by 8 AM.  Found out that we were the last surgery scheduled for Dr. M.

We waited.

And waited.   And the longer we waited, the colder we got.

They were kind enough to bring my dad two heated blankets.

We finally got back in the room and all settled in with that lovely hospital gown.

And then we got to check out all the equipment.

By this time we had waited more than four hours.  Someone was getting a little grumpy and thinking about a headache.  We turned the lights off.  And waited some more.

We all were starving so Peep sent us to get lunch.  The nurses said they called the OR and it would be a least an hour.  We figured that we had all the time in the world.  So who goes to Huntington and doesn't go to Stewart's.  Not this girl!

You know that as soon as we got in the car the probably took him back.  Because when we got back the room we left him in was empty!  Go figure.

We again waited, and waited, and waited.  Finally, we were escorted into a conference room.  It was warm, nice comfy couches.  We almost went to sleep.  All of a sudden we heard someone yelling in the hallway.  Robin recognized my dad's voice and she yelled back at him.  He was yelling that they got it all.  There was no more cancer!  He was beyond thrilled and excited.  He grabbed us and told us.  The nurses wheeled him down the hall while we waited for the doctor.  

Yes Dr. M confirmed it..NO CANCER!

This is how we roll after our hospital visits.  But first a stop at Wendy's for a double cheeseburger, baked potato with broccoli and cheese and a large chocolate Frosty.  Then we all took a nap!


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