Cincinnati Nature Center Gets ROCKED!

All together for breakfast and then a big morning at the Nature Center...going to be ROCKING the place.

We are a happy band of merry ROCKERS!

Josie and her first rock...hint...under a big map!

Happy trails.

wild wisteria

Somehow we managed to scare all the turtles and frogs away.

Resting so people could pass us so we could hide more rocks.

I have never seen the water so high.

And then there was PlayScape and Matt's Pond.

 My dream house.

These turtles looked like statues.  They never budged.

We fit right in with the several preschool classes that were there.  No running creek until May 1.  I was a little disappointed.

Larry, Moe, and Curly.

They could easily pass for triplets.

Doing their last best thing before we leave.


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