World Down Syndrome Day

Today I celebrate World Down Syndrome Day.  I think of several special people in my life.  Two will forever have a place in my heart.  Liz Cotton was the oldest member of MWBCYouth.  She was my sidekick.  There was never a dull moment when she was around.  She made us laugh all the time.  "Pucker up big boy".  She had the most beautiful curly red hair.  She had spunk.  I miss that silly girl!  And my youngest best girlfriend, Kate.  She came into my life via Boy Scouts this year.  She has the coolest most energetic family I know. Best thing is they trust me to play with Kate while they are at work.  I enjoy those days.  Hope there are many, many more.

So Kate's mom put out a challenge on FB last night...

When Kate was born the words, "I'm sorry" didn't settle well with me. Why? Because just like mismatched socks she may not have a perfect set of chromosomes but she has a purpose just like you and I.
So grab a pair of socks, mismatch them, flip them inside out, or paint them in shades of colors that don't make sense. Put them on your feet and help us to celebrate the uniqueness of Down syndrome.
March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day. Get funky, be fun, and you'll see, even imperfection is perfect. #WDSD2017

Here's the best I could do today...


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