Wednesday Was A Good Day

I love seeing this first thing in the morning!  He has had a very low BP for a few days with some dizziness.  We did a few things in hopes they would help and they have.  But to be on the safe side, he will go to the doctor tomorrow to get checked out.

Robin found a really cool medicine dispenser that has tons of bells and whistles...reminds you when to take your meds...right amounts and at the right times.  Sometimes we struggle with that.

I love all these ladies to the bottom of my heart.  The care about my dad and will do just about anything to make him feel better.  They are the encouragers when I have to go home.  Today was Wyngate's version on Wheel of Fortune.

AND ROBIN IS THE BEST!  She checks on everyone when they don't show up for something.  Knocks on all the doors and  invites the residents to come.  She has lots of energy and I love going to play with them all.

Then we played another game.  Can't remember the name but it was a drawing game.  One mark on the paper and then, in turn, everyone adds something to the picture.

Sometimes some people just couldn't resist on adding a few lines.

This is what it looked like when it was all said and done.

Then we went again.

Somehow the baseball cap ended up being a boy with no clothes on fishing in the boat while a pirana chewed away at his oar.

I stayed until he got settled back in his room.  That meant I would make it home before dark.  That is always a plus.  And dinner was on the table when I got home.  There was a delicious, colorful, and amazing salad with a strawberry vinegarette dressing.  Ahhh, it;s great to be home.


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