Roriville Disaster

In the beginning, it was a great day!

In between doing our chores we had free art time....

We played games.

And let me just tell you she is tough competition.

We had lunch.  We listened to a book on YouTube with earplugs (a first) and we took a great nap.  And as soon as she woke up and her mom came in the door everything was turned upside down.  She had complained of her belly hurting at lunch but I blew it off as I don't want this lunch.  She never was warm or never looked like she was sick.  She was fine.  I promise.
A burp came from her toes and them we rushed to the bathroom.  Well, she almost made it.  Good thing Pappy was here.  Kelli cleaned her up.  Mark cleaned up the bathroom and I ran for cover.  I can't get sick.  By the time she got him her temp was 102.3!

And add insult to injury...she was going to go to the circus with her best bud, Lucy, and her family.  But instead, Marli took a friend and Rori went to Grandma's.  I checked earlier and she still has a fever.  Poor thing.  Good thing...she has until Tues to kick it before coming back to Wammyville.


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