New Toy Came Today

You can never get too much mail.  You can never have too many gadgets.  So we ordered a good one that will actually let us (Robin and me) sleep better at night.  A new pill dispenser that locks and has bells, lights, and whistles to remind you it is time to take the meds.

It is my job, and I love it, to go down to the mailbox every day.

Today was the first day that I got to open the BIG door and get a package.  He is checking to make sure it is his and then where it came from.

He opened it and then I said that we should wait for Dustin.

He wanted to start pushing buttons and opening all the little compartments.  I let him clean out the compartmests and the made sure that he would not open it until Dustin comes tomorrow night.

He did get to put int he batteries.

I think I'll keep the box because he has already said that it is too complicated.

this poor old dog and new is painful.


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