My Little Sunshine

I got a text from my sister around 5:10 pm  I didn't see it so she called my dad.  She was going down the road to a farm and help feed a little blind calf.  Do I want to go?  YES!!  Thank heavens my aunt  was here to stay with my dad.

This little calf better get it in gear because her future is unsure at this point.  She was born out in the field in the middle of a terrible storm in the middle of the night.  So no one really knows what happened.  I think there might be other issues besides being blind.  

Momma is a mean cow.  She doesn't like people but she does love her little calf who I have named Sunshine.

She is really stubborn and strong.  Her human dad is trying so hard to help her learn to eat.  Last night the tried honey on the utter and teat, squirting it in her face and mouth, letting her suck it off their thumbs only to finally put a tube down her throat into her stomach.

She was so very close.  We were rooting for her.  There were seven of us in the barn by the time it was all said and done.

My sister got to hold the rope that was in the mom's nose to keep her in one place.

Got some help from the farmer next door.  Together they both worked for a long time to get her to take the teat.

 She has the sweetest little face.

She finally latched on two times.

There she goes.

 To protect everyone inside the stall momma had to be wedged against the wall.  It was a little sad but it was necessary.
I think she was scared, made, and worried all balled in one.  I think I saw a tear.

Mark, I think we should figure out a way to keep her on NottaLotta?


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