My Life Just Got A Little Easier...

...and I think he is rethinking this process.

I am always amazed at how busy, crowded, packed parking lots...the VA is.  Seeing all this activity outside it is amazing at how quickly they call you in for you appointment.  Check out that cool cane holder!

Lesson one...turn you sock wrong side out.  I know it sounds crazy.

The sweetest nurse helped teach us how The Butler works.

So simple.  Wash then in warm water and hang up to dry.

Once we got home and began to practice, our nice visit turned into frustration.

I'm just going to throw it out there now...this contraption will be put away and we will need to continue helping him with his socks.  But I could be totally wrong.  When I walk in on Sunday night he will be all smiles because he can do it all by himself.  Keeping my fingers crossed.


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