Longest Day Ever

Our day usually starts around 7 AM.  Radiation is at 9:30 AM.  From there we went back for lunch.  Well, I had lunch with the ladies, bean soup, fried potatoes and fancy pistachio pudding.  Peep ate in the room because he couldn't be tempted...beans and potatoes are his favorites!

We headed to HIMG for an eye doctor appointment.  We did a lot of waiting.  I made the executive decision to let him go in by himself.  It was only the eye doctor.  What could go wrong?  A little back story first.  One of his doctors made the appointment for him because he said his sight was blurry.  News to us.  He usually goes to the VA but not this time.  And that was a little upsetting to him.  But he was a trooper and let me take him.  I use let loosely...Nurse Ratchet on duty.  Paperwork had to be filled out before we arrived.  Well, that was an experience!  "List all surgeries with dates"...our (his) response...'too many to list, look it up on your computer'.  Second question on the form...'list all medications'.  I attached a sheet. 

Also in the paperwork was information about the cost of the appointment.  $200 for this and $150 for that with insurance.  Then there was a $45 fee for a special test to get new glasses that was not covered by insurance.  The appointment was covered by all his insurance but while back with the nurse he complained (go figure) about the $45 for the test for new glasses.  Can you see where I am going here?  Guess who came out with no new glasses?  Because he wasn't going to pay $45.  

YOU HAVE TO WATCH HIM LIKE A HAWK.  And I have learned two valuable lessons.  You always go in with him.  And I now can tell when he is 'stretching the truth' because he gets a little smirk.

So 90 minutes later he has some eye drops for dry eyes and some really attractive shades...you know the plastic ones that you wear under your regular glasses after they dilate your eyes...which he refused to wear.

He decided that we would eat at 'the new place up on the hill at Rt 60'.  You can only imagine the crowd right before dinner time.  I dropped him off and he went in to put our name in.  I had to park about a mile away so by the time I got in he was talking to the girl on the computer.  I make my way up to him and I hear her say that she can't find his name.  He tells her that he called ahead (Are you kidding me, he knows nothing about calling ahead).  She looks again and nothing shows up..no kidding, he never called ahead!  But not to worry she would work us in in about 10 minutes.  There must have been 30 people ahead of us.

I was in such a hurry to get out of there that I forgot to check to see if he had his hat.  We made a u-turn just before crossing the river and headed back to Texas Roadhouse.  They had it thank heavens because he was complaining that his head was cold.  Never a dull moment.

All this fun wore him out!


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