Last Full Week Of Treatments...Mon

Got a little bit of a late start on Sunday.  Kept holding my breath that I was ahead of the storm...or the one coming at me would dump before it got to me.

First things first...a key lime cookie from Cheryl and Co...thank you Vickie...and a little my John's Crazy Socks.

Today after radiation we were on the hunt for a plumbing piece or two.  We hit places in the west end of Huntington and then a store right down the road from Wyngate.

Heidi Jane look who I got to hug on today.  And yes, the ugly cry came out.  I love it when I get to hug on special people in my life.  Makes my heart very happy.

All I did was send Mark this picture and I immediately got a NOOOOO!!!!! back.

We had lunch out on the patio.  It was so nice.

It was so nice that he decided to go for a walk...well, a ride I guess we should call it.

He and Stitch even went down to the river.

I had to call them in because it was time for Current Events and Book Club.

Stitch got a little bacon treat.

Played a fun game and found out what was everyone's favorite dessert.

We even got to talk to another special buddy of ours.  We all go way back.  My dad and Max played football together at East and they worked at INCO together.  We went to church with him.  Love that man to death!  Leigh Ann, sure wish you could have listened to the pep talk your dad was giving my dad today.  Telling him just what to do to recover quicker.  It was priceless.  We programmed Max's number in my dad's phone so I know that they will have more conversations.  One problem...someone will need to be there so they can translate what is being said because neither one of them can hear a lick.

And then there was a special delivery.  Our across the street neighbor, Joy Roach made a prayer shaw for my dad.  It was delivered by one of the ladies here...Peg such a sweetheart.  The Roache's lived across the street from our house for as long as I lived there.  I got to babysit their kids, David and Mary Jane.  Lots of sweet memories for sure

It was such a thoughtful gift.  He just happened to have Joy's number so you know we had to call her to personally thank her and catch up on things.  

He REALLY loves it!  He can't figure out how something with holes in it can be so warm.

Kelly was here cleaning when we got back from dinner.  Stitch loves it when she comes.  She gets a good brush and then a good vacuum.  She LOVES it and will stand there for as long as she will run that thing over her body.  Then she is so relaxed that she goes right to sleep.


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