Back At It One Day At A TIme

Funny how this shirt speaks volumes now that we are on our own adventure.  We have experienced this ugly beast other times and it is NEVER good.

Our home away from home for the next 20 some days.

We have a new countdown...taking every day one day at a time.  And we are back to filling the bladder so they can get a good shot with the radiation.  The man can hold a ton of water!No chemo...his body can't take it.

And you just never know who will be knocking on the door of the room when you are waiting for the doctor.  Best sister-in-law on the planet!  And he thinks the world of her too!

So far so good.  He has a great attitude.  He is tolerating the treatments. Wants so badly to complete all the treatments and get on with his life.  There is lots of hope here.


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