A Little Side Trip

I made a little side trip before I made it to my dad's last night.  Robin has been checking in on my little Sunshine.  word is that she is doing better.  Even eating formula ou of a bucket.  So I dropped all of my stuff at my dad's andheaded to my sisters where we jumped in her car and made the quick trip to the farm.  After a little visiting in the house, we headed to the barn.  Made it just in time for dinner!

Mom still needed to be tethered to the barn.  She is not too happy about it but it is the best thing to do in this situation.

I got to feed her first.  Robin was a little leary of the momma.  Heck no, give me that pink bucket!

My pink boots and a pink bucket of formula...it was meant to be.  I only got slimed once.

Look at cute little white tip on the end of her tail.

I think we both should live on big farms.

Just can't get enough of her.

We did good!  She drank almost the whole bucket...two quarts I think.

The vet said that she might be getting her sight back in one of her eyes.

Look at that cute little face.


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