Last Days Of Prep

Big time today...last doctor appointments before treatments start.  He felt god enough to drive himself.  Safety first..10 and 2.

Our one and only stop today.  The nurse said she was just going to take some pictures (x-rays) and then scribble on his belly.  To be such a horrible, depressing place to have to go, the staff are always bright and cheery.  I think each of them has the gifts of compassion and mercy.  I'm thankful for their smiles!

And look who dropped in...of of SMMC angels.

One day we will ring that bell.

There is always a stop for food on the way home.  We tried a new place today.  Pretty good burgers!

Big things are going to be happening at Wyngate in the next few weeks.

Andy, my dad's neighbor, is going to give painting lessons.

I was talking to him in between loads of laundry and I told him that he needed a beret.  Next trip down the hall he has on a 'hippie hat'.

I love his hippie hat but it just doesn't seem right to me.

Some of his deep artwork.

And evidently, there will be or was some singing going on.  I've seen those hymnals before, many times.A family donated a beautiful piano.  Last week when I was there they were tuning it.  And while I was waiting to set up a transport calendar with Robin there were two older gentlemen in the dining room singing.  They were great.  Wish I had gotten a good video.  Next time.

We now have a definite schedule (I never thought this day would ever come).  It is a little confusing because some days there are two treatments and other days there is only one.  And, of course, they are in two different locations.  Nothing about this has been simple.  But in the scheme of things, it could definitely be a lot worse.  I think organization is the key!

This morning we started off the morning with a poetic reading from one of my dad's lady friends, he has an entire building of them.  There is a sort of person joke that comes before the poem and is the reason for the writing.  We all had a really good laugh.  I'd tell you the joke but I would more than likely get it wrong.

I just have to let you all know who wonderful it is to know that when I can't be there with my dad there are a lot of people asking what they can do to help, they let Stitch out when she needs to go out, they have planned on a schedule for taking my dad's meals to him when he doesn't feel like going down to the dining room, they feed Stitch special treats, they sense when you need a hug and some encouragement...they just always go above and beyond.  For all of them, I am so very thankful!  Also for my two crazy aunts who are there when we need them.  My sister, that is always there.  And Betty who fills in sometimes.  And for all the old neighbors and life long friends of my dad's that have called and come by with little sweet treats. It literally takes a village.


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