Its Been A Long Day

He must have been just a little anxious about all that was happening today.  Today started the 5 weeks of chemo and radiation for his bladder cancer.  At 87 he is doing pretty darn good!

First stop...blood work...HIMG
After blood work was analyzed we then say the doctor.  he explained what was going to be happening today.  He walked us out to the chair for chemo.

We waited....

and waited....

and waited a little longer...about an hour.  Then the nurse came out and told us we were now scheduled at SMMC for chemo and radiation.  WHAT?  I loaded Peep in Robin's car and we headed to SMMC.  So to Outpatient Registration, we head.  Sat there for a bit and then headed back downstairs to the Infusion Center.  By this time my dad said if he had come by himself he would have gone back home with nothing at all.

And there is the little run-in with the valet parker.  Short version.  Robin had my dad in the car and was delivering him to chemo.  I wanted to be there at the door when he got out so I could help him if he needed it.  So I self-valet parked.  The little guy came running over to tell me that I was parked int he valet spot.  Well, no kidding.  I explained that I was in a sister was dropping off my day...I had to be there when he got out just in case he needed help.  Give me the dang ticket. 

And this was a blessing in disguise.  He got to have lunch sitting in his chair.  And let me just tell you that he highly recommends the chicken salad sandwiches.

We learned that he can not take Benedryl.  Makes him a little crazy and everyone has two heads and four eyes.  Entertainment for sure.

Remember that blessing I mentioned above.  Well, there she stands.  Our family has known this wonderful angel for years.  Her dad worked with my dad at INCO and I had her girls in preschool when they were three.  I even went to Mississippi after Katrina with them.  She and her husband are the salt of the earth!  Love them.  We will get to see her every Monday and I am excited.

Love this picture.  Someone said that they looked like twins in their little plaid shirts.  I think we were in that room for over three hours.  The first treatment usually takes longer.

Back in the car and we moved to the back of the hospital for radiation.

He was in a great mood most of the day.  After radiation, he decided that we were going out to eat.  Red Lobster.  All I could think was please Lord, don't let him throw up.

So far so good, knock on wood.  We worked on his FB page, watched Fox News, had a little snack, played a game on his iPad, and tried to solve the world's problems.

The day is done.  Stitch has been out and is now sleeping at my feet and Peep is sound asleep!  Going to be a great night.


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