Today Is The Day

 As a 'fundraiser' at church, we are having a Crock Pot Potluck tonight.  Everything must be made in a crockpot, along with gift cards from the surrounding area that will be handed out to needy families so they can have a nice warm Thanksgiving, Christmas meal.  And I heard there are prizes on the line for the best dish.  Well, I once one a contest at MWBC with my delicious Award Winning Fudge Pie.  My kids said the voting was rigged.  So I have been working through desserts  for two weeks.  I have had some really constructive taste testers.  Here is what I will need to choose from sometime today so I can have it warm out of the crock pot when we get to church for the best taste.


Salted Caramel Apple Spoon Cake

Peanut Butter Cup Cake

Pecan Pie

Apple Spice Cake

It has been a really hard decision but all my taste tested have told me that they would definitely take the Salted Caramel Apple Spoon Cake.  So it is.  Tonight I will try my best to share the most delicious, sweetest thing I have even put in my mouth, hopefully, award winning delight with my unsuspecting church family.

Also while tweaking my dessert I just happened to be asked to make a Candy Bar Pie.  I can't say no, right.

This is what the first one looked like.  Beautiful crust and lots of chocolate!

After shot not as pretty but I'm telling you it was delicious!

I had to make another one because I still have all kinds of chocolate hidden around the secret stashes.

I'm going to need to bet bigger fat pants!


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