The Anderson's

Well, it is almost all the Anderson's.  I got to spend the morning with one of the best families I know.  It was a good morning but sorta sad also.  You see, Dewey, sweet Dewart, is fading away so fast.  The little spark in his eye is a little dim these days.  Things are confusing.  He gets frustrated easily.  He doesn't recognize some of his family and friends.  Sometimes he even gets angry. But we all plan to love him through it.  There are some tough decisions that have been made and I am guessing there might even be more down the road. Dementia is a horrible stealer. But it also a good kick in the backside when it comes to making you think of relationships that might have been put on the backburner or even forgotten about.  Please keep the Anderson's in your prayers over the next few weeks as they make this transition in life.

Dewey has been into coloring.  It seems to keep his mind busy on one thing for awhile.  Sorta like his happy place.  I love this one!  What he had Betsy write on it is priceless.  I hope to be able to continue my visits and coloring time once the transition is made.  It might take all of us some time to get used to it.  But we will carry each other through that door.

This man loves his Uno.  He is always my dealer.  But you have to watch him really close.  Sometimes he tries to trick you.  He almost always is the winner.  The rules are watered down some but the outcome is still the same.

The boys ran some errands and returned with some lunch.  I love sitting around their table.  Never a dull moment.  It's a good day today.


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