Alone Day

That's what Madi calls it when no one else is her.  And in the mornings she is really not a fan.  But as the day goes on, she finally comes around.

We let the goats out so they could play a bit before heading out for our adventure.

And a first...Picnic  in the parking lot in Pappy's new truck.

She was just a little excited about it too.

Then add a troll..oh my!

We went to the 'Green and Red Park' in Old Milford.  She loves this park because they have two sizes of play equipment.  Pappy calls it boys and girls but that isn't right.

We took turns playing with her.

Tag Team works now better because these old bones and joints don't move as fast as they once did.

But I will have to say that we get our cardio work-out finished rather quickly!

Help me!

And what goes up...

Must come down.

I know that face...I want to stay more...please.

Racing with Pappy.

Then home for a story and a good nap...for everyone!


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