They Are Getting Older...

And I am not sure I am okay with that!  Today was the first day of Preschool for three of the Wammyville yahoos.  Two are in the four-year-old class and one in the three-year-old class.  Not possible.

She is rocking her first-day-of-preschool-outfit.  Love it that her shirt says Preschool Rocks!  LucyLouWho had a matching outfit.  They are going to be in the same class.  Bless that teacher!

A true picture of this little stinker!

I remember when her big sister wore this bow on the first day of school.

She had groupies, Grammy, Mom, and Wammy.

It is official now. cream after the first day...even before lunch!  She thought it was the greatest thing ever!

And a picnic with Pappy in the driveway!  What a great day.  The first thing she said was that she followed all the rules. (Can you tell we talked about school rules).  And in the next breath, she informed me that Lucy did not.  Snitch.

They must have worked hard because she almost fell asleep when we wee reading right before her nap.

I must confess that I might have shed a few tears seeing them all lined up in their classes.  When did they grow up!  Thanks, Kelli and Grammy for letting me be the Wammy.  I love every minute of it!


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