Somebody Had A Birthday

Sam is having a party.  He turned one on Sunday!  Hard to believe it has gone by so fast.  Snuck right up.  Been planning the gifts for a long time!  And had a little (a lot of) help from a dear friend, Tina at The Creative Side Of Tina.  She made the pretty boxes, the ribbon and the bow!  Not to mention what as in them!

He got noisy things from Auntie Em...go figure.

And he knew right away how to beat on it to make lots of noise.

I think this might be my second favorite gift of the day...sorry.  A Sam I Am from Bryce!  Love it!  Now I need to find the book because I hear that he doesn't have one.

All of a sudden he started ripping paper.

Aunt J's gift...perfect.  She works for a contractor.  His hat even had his name on the back.  Priceless.  Complete with hi own little tool belt.

He loves book.  He read every book he got to Tini.

Perfect Bengal jersey...his birthday is 9-18.  That's the nanny's daughter...AKA as the dog-sitter.

More books to read!

Back to my creative friend....We collaborated on a special book for Sam.  I got a little teary because this is what Mamaw and Papaw always said and did to all the grand and great grand kids...

Tina also made these three awesome picture frames.  They can use them like this or there is a slot where they can use them as picture frames for good shots of Sam.  I think they turned out great!

And then he opened Satch-a-mo...Bryce's Preemie Cabbage Patch baby.

I have had Satch hidden in the cedar chest since Bryce gave him up many, many years ago.  I scrubbed him up. Had to sew his arm up a bit because he was missing a hand.  Part of his nose is also missing.  Sam loved him.  First thing he did was start chewing on his hand...just like his dad!

He got lots of cool things...just trying to figure out where Bryce and Tini are going to put them all.  Might need to turn the guest room into a playroom.

Tini had an army of girlfriends and sisters helping her with the party.  Lots of great food and really cook cupcakes.

And the Minion 'Smash Cake'.

Poor nap, cutting four molars and two other teeth and he only wanted mom!

But once he tasted that icing...he was all smiles.  He must have a sweet tooth!

Yep, pretty good stuff!

Family shot..minus the dogs.

He loves the water, can you tell?

A great time was had by all.  Looking forward to next year!

Sidenote, Update whatever you want to call it...One Year Check-Up...
29 inches tall  (18%)
22.9 pounds (70%)
head in the 99%
He is a total flirt and showed the doctor all of his tricks.
Has his dad's the charts for farsightedness


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