Odds and Ends Of The Weekend

We headed to Cassie's this weekend for soccer games a plenty!  One on Saturday afternoon and another on Sunday evening.  Ellis starring in both.  I'll share those pics next but first a little look at our other adventures.

First a little art project.  Alaire is the art project queen!  I had seen a pic on Pinterest of some beautiful seashells.  I told Alaire we would need to gather seashells next summer to do the project while we were at the beach.  I was telling Shannon in out Life Group (thanks, Shannon) that was our plan and she went to her only seashell stash and got me tow great shells.  Well, needless to say, Alaire was all over it.  This is about half way finished.  She finished it later but I forgot to get a pic.

I have been dreaming of a FreeLittle Library in our front yard for a few years.  I saw this old school mailbox in the window of this shop a few months ago.  Cassie couldn't remember where it was.  I searched the internet and she and Emily searched the streets.  They finally found it and I got to go.  But no one was there.  Come to find out it is a sorta storage place for the main shop int he little town.  We found the main store in town and I inquired about the mailbox.  Needless to say, it did not make the trip back to OHIO with us.  Little too pricey for Mark's blood.  Me, I would have talked him down some and then packed it away in the truck.  Plan B here we come.

We did find the coolest building.  Have no idea what it is...a house and business, a workshop...really cool on all sides outside.  I would love to see the inside.  Trevor and I rang the doorbell but no one came.

Just riding in the truck playing with the camera.

Boys in the front, girls int he back.

Lunch at Fresh Thyme Market.

So we say a lady make a teddy bear from a hand towel on the Internet.  Looked easy enough.  NOT!  It took three of us to figure it out.  Still needs work!

And then someone had the idea to sleep out on the trampoline.

It took Ellis about 5 seconds to crash.

Alaire was more like 5 minutes.  Around 4;30 we all woke up and needed to make a pit stop.  Then we chit chatted for about an hour and went back to sleep.  Ellis was up at his usual 6AMish.  Next thing I know Alaire says Wammy wake it the sun is up and we can get up.  You go ahead Alaire I'll just lay here a bit longer.  I slept for about another hour.


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