Hoof Trimming Stand

I called in all the reinforcements I could muster up...Michael, Mark, and Peep.  I need a hoof trimming stand for The Boys.

To keep The Boys safe and healthy ever so often I need to check their hooves.  They need to be trimmed and so do their pads.  I got in touch with Lisa at Digging Deeper and she suggested we use the plans from the FiasCo Farm.  I went to their website and found the plans.

I also checked a few more places and finally found the plans for the one we were going to make.  I made the mistake of having both plans together.  No one was on the same page.  In my head, I knew what we were making and what the finished product should look like.

Mark went to Hoem Depot and got all the materials for the fancier stand.  He even had it all cut there.

We called in the young gun to help.  He and Peep weren't seeing eye to eye on things and that made it a little tense.  Michael wanted to help but needed specific instruction.  Peep know how it should go in his head but sometimes he can't get it to come out right in words.

And my dad ALWAYS tweaks things to the way he thinks they ought to go.  (Even when he plays cards)

But work continued in the driveway...

until it go boiling hot on the new blacktop.

Somehow we lost Michael in the transition to the shade in the back yard.

Leona and Ruby had to check out the progress.

 We continued t work while Mark made a trip back to Home Depot for some more screws.

Studying the neck thingie.

We ended with night with an almost finished product.  We all are on speaking terms but puzzled as to the height and width of the neck thingie.

For a brief moment, I had to see how it was going to work.  Boogie was glad to assist if it meant he got a little extra food.

But them everyone had to get in on the action!  I think they like it!

You know there will be more pictures to follow.


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