127 World's Longest Yard Sale...With A Twist

Our plan was to get up early, go to Bob's for breakfast when they opened and then hit the 127 and so straight south to Jody and Sandy's in Harrodsburg.  Great plan.  Well executed! (Oh, don't worry about Michael or the animals...Michael was on a scout outing and Emmy was taking care of the animals).

I think I was so excited that I didn't even chew my breakfast.  On the road with an old school map in my hands, GoogleMaps on both phones, and the car navigation system set for Warrick Road, Harrodsburg, KY.

I love being able to hold a map in my hand.  Makes me feel like I am the one in control.  Little did I know how not in control of this trip I was.

We made it to Harrodsburg with no trouble in record time.  Walked through all of Jody's and Sandy's treasures.  I found an awesome cobalt blue Blenko glass vase...made in WV.  But I have no more room for big stuff...just ask my family.  I can not believe I did not get any pictures of our visit.  But I did borrow some from Sandy's FB page.

You can't really understand how many people do this!  I tried really hard...even stood up out of the sunroof to get a shot of the traffic.  This does not do it justice.

So we stopped at one that was a farm field covered with little tents.  I felt it was going to be a good one.  It was hot!!!!  I saw these drive-in movie speakers.  Thought they were really cool.  Talked a man down on a copper kettle for apple butter.  But still too much, according to Mark.

I about dropped my teeth when I read this.  I was hungry but not that hungry.

The we hit heaven!  The Amish community had sent up a food vending area and had rented out spaces for other people to bring their stuff in.  There were little Amish kids running all over the place!  And it was extremely had to take any pics without getting the Amish in them.  This is the best I could do.

I thought this was so funny!  I could pet a bunny for fifty cents but if I wanted to hold it that would cost me a buck.  Crack me up!

This was fascinating.  This big horse was walking on a treadmill which was churning the biggest ice cream maker I have ever seen.  I almost bought a feed sack what had a Cincinnati Company on it but we couldn't agree on a price.  I even sent Mark to see if he could get the name= down to my price.  Nope.

We did a U-turn for this little place.  It was filled with everything known to man.  I loved everything in it.  But prices were sky high.  They even had a real live working soda fountain like the one that they had in the drug store in Gallaherville where I grew up.

And this is where the yard sale ended for the year...Dale Hollow Lake.  There was a reason for this madness.  I grew up at Star Point Resort that is on Dale Hollow Lake in TN.  Every year when the plant would close down we would load up in the car and head to the lake.  WE love that lake .  So many great memories.  I have always wanted to go back to see if it has changed...well, how much it has changed might be a better phrase.

The Sandy suggested we see if Mike AKA Poops was at his houseboat.  Well, don't you know I called text and FB messages all the Funk's and finally Jackie and she said they were at the lake!!!  And Jerry and Alice were there too!!!Oh my gosh I was screaming.  Poor Mark.  But I think he might have had this in mind all along.  We had just crossed over the dam on the Cumberland Lake when I finally got to talk to Poops.  We were only about 30 minutes away.  Longest 30 minutes of my life!!

We finally made it.  Passed through the security gate and started our walk.  The lake looks the same there...clear as a bell.  Smells the same and felt awesome.  I had made it home!  Poops and Greg met us and walked us back to the houseboat.

We were parked in two hour visitor parking.  Somehow the men knew that I would be there for more than two hours.  Those smart men.

We chatted a bit with Jerry and Alice...and they haven't changed one bit!  One of the things I wanted to do was put my feet in the water.  So we walked to the end of the slips and I got to feel that warm top water once again.  It may sound strange to you and you might be thinking how silly.  But we started going to the lake when I was in grade school!

Poops got a shot of me with the lake behind me after I put my feet in.  Memories started  flooding back.  And the tears started to flow.  I didn't care.  They know me.  I had hoped to get to go to Star Point and sit on the steps in front of the office, check out our regular camping spot, see if the treehouse was still there., maybe go to the bathroom in the bathhouse, check out the ditch were I wrecked the minibike, drive by the Mongols, and the graveyard.  I wanted to do it all.  But it was not to be this trip.  There was a storm blowing down the creek. And you DO NOT want to be caught out on the lake before or during a storm. So we have already made plans to do it again next trip.

We got a tour of the houseboat.  Now I'm not talking the run of the mill houseboat.  This one has multiple bedroom, and enough bathrooms to make everyone happy.  A living room that looks like the one at your house.  A BEAUTIFUL kitchen and windows along one side from floor to ceiling.  There is an upper deck with a full kitchen and tons of seating in front of the wheelhouse (I think that is the right word) and plenty of seating on the backside for looking out onto the lake.  Then there is this little place I am going to call the Poop Deck.  It is on the back of the boat and has comfortable furniture where you can sit and talk to you boating neighbors as the walk up and down the 'boardwalk' to and from their own boats.  This literally is a HOUSE boat!  Beautiful and very comfortable.

Alice fixed some shrimp and some guacamole and chips for us to snack on before dinner.  We had not planned on staying that long but the stories just kept coming.  We couldn't stop.  The time when by so fast!  So after dinner we decided we should probably start for home.  They all tried to talk us into staying but we couldn't because of the animals and we had to pick up Michael from his scouting weekend before noon on Sunday.  Calculations were that we would get home at 1AM.  When actually with the time difference of one hour it would be 2AM!  And we had all forgotten about that!

It was a great time!  Next time we are all going to be there...the Green's included!  And I will pack my swimsuit because Jackie says Poops will take me out in the lake to see if I still have it or not.  Haven't been on skis or a kneeboard for years.  And there is this new thing called a wakeboard.  Sounds like I am in big trouble.


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