Nature Camp...Day 1

And it begins!  This camp started out last year as Down and Dirty Camp.  I like that name but it was decided that maybe calling it Nature Camp would be a better idea  So Nature Camp it is.  And what a success it was.  I tried to get highlights of the day but with 21 campers and 4 adults there just was never enough hands to go around.

Right off the bat we got the mud out!  And Caleb, what a trooper.  He just literally just jumped right in.

And this is how we clean dirty feet...a good old foot washing in a big orange bucket willed with cold water and bubbles.

Then it was on to dirt ball faces.  Logan was helping them think a little bit outside the box.

We painted with nature...paintbrushes made of sticks, pine branches, flower bundles...and maybe some scattered fingers.

Muddy fingers on bubble wrap.

And chalk is always a great idea.

Washing hands couldn't be more fun!  Not to worry there was lots of hand sanitizer too!

Running up and down the hills..or even rolling down the hills...lots of belly laughs could be heard.


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