The Official Last Day Of Wammyville 2015-2016

We have been able to upgrade the ghetto pool.  Thanks to Grammy (Noodles and Doodles grandma) we have be given the best ghetto pool ever.  With a little cleaning, it looks almost as good as new.  I think she said it was about 10 years old?

Let m explain the swimming attire...we didn't have any!  So some old t-shirts had to do.  It was either that or go naked and that wasn't going to happen!

We have one napper and one rester.  The rester helped me feed The Boys every day.  And then she caught chickens. and was able to gather some eggs.

Another year has come to a close.  It always makes me sad and I do shed a tear as everyone pulls out of the driveway.  I know it won't be the same when they come back in the fall.  They will be older and that is a good thing. We are able to do more things, but it is sad also.  They are growing up and  will be moving on to school and not in Wammyville anymore.  I get lucky to have visits from the 'graduates' and I so look forward to those.   In my heart, I feel like they are my kids too.  Love 'em to the moon and back.        


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